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Ministers act to stop lights going out in 2015

"Fears that Britain could be plunged into an energy crisis by 2015 will result in the green light being given by Christmas for a new generation of nuclear power stations, senior Whitehall sources are indicating."

Category: Energy sources


Consumers in the dark over 'greenest' gadgets

"High street chains are failing to inform customers which electrical goods are the greenest, according to new research by the National Consumer Council."


Cornwall's surfers up in arms at plans to harvest wave energy

"Construction of the world's biggest wave energy farm is to go ahead off the coast of Cornwall - after worries by local surfers who fear it may rob their waves of surfing power."

Category: Energy sources


Solar loans light up rural India

"More than 100,000 people in rural India have benefited from an innovative loan scheme that helps families buy home solar power systems, the UN has said."


Wave farm wins £21.5m grant

"The world's largest wave farm planned off the UK coast has secured sufficient funding for the project to go ahead as early as next year, subject to planning permission."

Category: Energy sources

Displaying results 1016 to 1020 out of 1050